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Trigeneration Plants in Italian Large Retail Sector: a Calculation Model for the TPF Projects with Evaluation of all the Incentivizing Mechanisms

Original scientific paper

Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2013, pp 375-389
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13044/j.sdewes.2013.01.0028
Diego Di Palma , Marco Lucentini, Flavio Rottenberg
CIRPS - Interuniversity Research Centre on Sustainable Development, Sapienza University of Rome


The object of this research is an economic analysis of trigeneration systems (or Combined Cooling, Heat and Power - CCHP) through a calculation model developed for applications in the field of large retail sector. Particular attention has been given to the validation of Third-Party Financing (TPF) projects. The analysis is carried out in comparative form, considering all the existing variants of the Energy Performance Contract and the incentive mechanisms for trigeneration plants. The study is based on an econometric model of calculation for CCHP systems whose results are validated on a case study described in detail. The input data of the simulation come from an energy audit platform developed specifically for the analysis of typical HVAC systems of large retail sector. The study results consist of 50 scenarios of TPF projects. They highlight the economic advantage in the trigeneration plants management for both parties (ESCo and customer) and make it possible to determine the options of contract needed to verify the feasibility of TPF projects.

Keywords: Trigeneration, CCHP, Incentives Econometric Model, Energy Performance Contract, ESCo, Energy Audit, Third-Party Financing

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